Teen leaders from the city's best schools are lucky to be exposed to 1 maybe 2 motivational speakers within a single school year, so you can imagine how rare that same opportunity is for our teen leaders who reside within districts where budget restrictions nearly never allow for such a life changing opportunity to occur.

The Power Of WE family is dedicated to bringing as many teen leaders as the house will hold each and every time we stage this event. Sponsorship packages are being designed in order to make this dream a reality. The cost per student currently stands at $250 per student for the entire 8 hour event which includes a catered breakfast and lunch for our VIP students.These student leaders will be treated to a full red carpet entry into the event including Paparazzi, as they enter the marbled foyer of the venue.

This day will be filled with life changing presentations, Q & A segments with each presenter, photo opportunities in front of the "Step & Repeat", Live musical entertainment, Swag Bags filled with event memorabilia, and much, much more!

Our goal is to create an event that will forever remind each child that they can achieve anything, if only the put their mind to it...the same as each of these presenters has done. We feel it important that these kids see living, breathing examples of exactly what overcoming adversity looks and feels like, we also feel it important for these kids to see and hear from some presenters that look as they look, have lived as they live, and who have faced the same fears that they face.

The Power Of WE family is currently recruiting sponsors to ensure that as many student leaders as possible will not miss this golden opportunity, won't you please help in anyway possible? Warm introductions to potential sponsors, leads to kids who can benefit from attending, and of course...sponsorship checks to get these kids to the event, are all things we are seeking participation and support with.

For more information or to be placed on our mailing list to receive our Executive Summary of The Power Of WE Symposium, please respond via email or text.

"MORE POW INFORMATION" to 269-338-4246

Thank you so very much! The Power Of WE Symposium Team "Because together...WE can do great, great things!"

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Watch a short video about the tough journey these teen leaders must take to fulfill their dreams.

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For more information and sponsorship options together WE can do more.

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+1 (269) 338-4246

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