With your donation to The Power of WE Symposium, you can become THAT person to an Romania teen who otherwise might not have the opportunities that you or I have had.
Dear Sponsor: Please take a moment to reflect upon the people who made a difference in your life. Now think about that one person who made a huge impact on your life, that someone to whom you can point and say: “If it weren’t for you, I would not be where I am today.” Now imagine if you had missed that moment with that person. Imagine if you had missed that one opportunity to make your dreams come true. Imagine that you became a statistic, that you were the 1 in 40 teens in Romania who won't live to make it out of high school. That’s why I’m writing you. I’m asking you to help ensure that Romania's youth leaders don’t miss out on the same types of opportunities that you and I have had.

These 250 students will be the most important people in the audience that day and your donation can make that day happen for them. The Power of WE Symposium Romania will be held April 2023 in Romania. This event will connect influencers, businesses, community leaders, and up and coming youth leaders from Romain to prove that together WE can do more!
- Life-changing presentations from world-renowned speakers
- Q&A sessions with each presenter
- Red carpet entry complete with paparazzi and media coverage
- Live musical entertainment
- Photo opportunities in front of the step and repeat banner
- Food & beverages
- Sponsored Swag Bags filled with event memorabilia
- And much, much more!

This is why the Power of WE team is recruiting sponsors like you, to ensure that as many student leaders as possible will have this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We know the difference between success and failure often lies with one golden opportunity. Won’t you please consider changing the lives of deserving teen leaders by providing that one golden opportunity and sponsoring The Power of WE Symposium?
for more information and sponsorship options because together WE can do more!